The Haunting at Bonaventure Circus by Jaime Jo Wright
Genre: Historical Fiction
Publisher: Bethany House
Publication Year: 2020
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4.5 Stars
This book was stellar!
Jaime Jo Wright is the master of split timelines and I am so here for it! Her tales border on the edge of creepy, so if you have an aversion to those types of things, be forewarned. This book definitely had some gristly moments, which is not something I particularly enjoyed at times, but that is just a personal preference and does not take away from the amazing book that this is! If that’s your thing, all the better, but for me, I can be a little sensitive of late to those creepy things.
The characters were so well explored, and I felt like I related to them on several levels. The ability for her to so seamlessly switch back and forth, and encounter the number of similarities in each story, while instilling in them their own unique qualities.
This could have been my lack of reading skills, but when we got to the end and figured out what was going on, the perpetrator wasn’t even a character I remembered being introduced to, but other than that, the writing was so well done.
I totally ship the couples in this book too though I might add. The shipping is real.
Jaime Jo Wright did a masterful job, as per usual. Highly recommend if you like anything circus related, or gothic historical fiction! This book is for you.
*This book was given to me free of charge in exchange for my honest review. The thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own and in no way influenced by the publisher.
I’ve heard good things about this one…
It really is quite good. I was on the edge of my seat for the last quarter of the book.
Sounds like an interesting book, though I am very sensitive to creepy anything….so maybe not my type.
Thank you for the review. Wishing you and Yours a Blessed and Merry Christmas and a HAPPY and Healthy New Year.
Joan,Marion and Marilyn
This is by far my favorite Jaime Jo Wright book. This one gave me the most chills.